Dajana + Michael
‘Before you kiss someone for the first time, just wait.⠀
Take a second to look at them. They are so new, so unfamiliar. Right now you don’t know how they taste, how their hands will press against your skin, how they’ll breathe. You won’t see them like this again.⠀
Look at them wanting - the apprehension in their eyes. They don’t know either. In their mind you are uncharted territory. Isn’t that special? Keep it. That’s how you’ll never lose them. Every so often afterwards look at them through these eyes. Don’t lose that wonder. Don’t lose the spark.’⠀
Big Thanks to the whole Team!
Kleid | Eve Bridal
Bouquet | Schick Blumenbinder
Models | Dajana + Michael Innercircle Modelmanagement